I Want Body Texture Spray found at Sharper Image Hair Design in Red Deer

For August 2019, the Team at Sharper Image Hair Salon chose our newest Elite Stylist as this month's Employee of the Month. Kat decided that all clients at some point need a tremendous, full body hair spray. Kat chose for you the I Want Body Texture Spray from Eleven Australia.

This is one of the top 5 retail products from Eleven Australia’s product line. The I Want Body Texture spray is incredible for building volume  and texture. It’s a backcombing and hairspray together. Working great on all lengths of hair and very easy to use.

Available in full size and mini.

To honour each employee, you will receive a beautiful 20% discount. Stop by the salon and pick up one for you and one for a friend while our supplies last.

Eleven Australia Instructions

A lightweight finishing hairspray combining powder and liquid to create dry texture.

Directions: Shake well to activate powder then spray where needed to maintain body and texture.

(Source:  Eleven Australia)

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